- 1912 or +91471 2555544
The main objective of any electrical industry is to achieve customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction can be achieved only when we can supply the right quantity and quality of electricity to the consumers in right time at an affordable cost. To make this process smoothly, it involves planning, design, engineering, procurement, handling and storing, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of power plants, generation, transmission and distribution, sale of energy and collection of revenue, management of personnel and finance. Trained manpower is required at each and every stage of the above mentioned tasks.
Training is a tool for equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills and the attitudes they need to implement organizational strategy. In KSEBL, the skills of the employees are to be developed / improved to the extent that they are able to perform their functions to achieve the organizational goals. Our training policy envisages a minimum of 3 to 5 day training per employee per year.
Every employee has a right to receive need based training at regular intervals to enable him/her to develop his/her potential to the maximum and contribute his/her best to the organization. Training should be essential for all personnel working in different areas right from the lowest cadre to the highest cadre. In order to improve the effectiveness of personnel at different levels and different areas, specific short-term skill up gradation programmes are being scheduled.