Transmission network, the backbone of any power system enables transfer of bulk power from the generating stations to the load centers. Over the years the intra state transmission infrastructure in Kerala has grown substantially with the addition of more and more EHT substations and lines. The Kerala grid is presently connecte
d to the national grid mainly through three 400 kV double circuit lines viz. (1) Udumalpett – Madakkathara, (2) Thirunelveli – Pallippuram (Trivandrum).
The transmission sector of KSEB Ltd is geographically divided in to two zones – the North Zone headquartered at Kozhikode and the South Zone headquartered at Thiruvananthapuram. Each zone is headed by a Chief Engineer. In addition to the above, the System Operations wing which performs the real time management of Kerala Power System also comes under the Transmission SBU. The System Operations wing is headed by a Chief Engineer and is headquartered at Kalamassery.
The Kerala grid has grown considerably during the recent years. We have as many as 418 Substations spread across the state as on 01.12.2019. Also the total length of our transmission network is 12845.55 C km. The total power transfer capacity of our Substations stands at 20,933.4 MVA as on 30.09.2019.
An abstract view of the transmission system of the State is given in the table below.
Sl No
No of Substations
Line length in Circuit kms
400 kV
220 kV
110 kV
66 kV
33 kV
(* - Substations and lines owned by PGCIL)
Transmission Infrastructure Plan of Kerala - TransGrid 2.0
With the objective of ensuring 24x7 quality power to the consumers in the State and to enable constraint free transportation of bulk power from generating stations and ISTS nodes by minimizing the transmission losses, KSE Board had approved a Long Term Transmission Plan (LTTP) up to year 2023 in December 2014. Considering the peculiar geographical shape of the State, a 400 kV backbone transmission network from northern part of the State to the southern part was proposed in the plan with intermediate substations at 220 kV and 110 kV voltage levels to cater to the load requirement of various load centres.
System Operation
The Kerala power system recorded a maximum peak demand of 4316.278 MW on 13.4.2019, where as the morning demand rose to 3464.7 MW on 23.05.2019. The daily consumption of the state reached a maximum of 88.34 MU on 23.5.2019. A notable change in the load pattern of the Kerala power system is the flattening of the load curve during the recent years. 
The system operation wing was able to manage the grid with out load shedding since June 2013 through meticulous planning and effective management of the system even on the face of increasing power prices and while the rest of the country was reeling under severe power cuts. This was achieved by exploring market opportunities and also through efficient utilization of the hydro resources.
Apart from the effective management of the system, the system operation wing performs other functions such as the SCADA up gradation project, modernization of the protection system of EHT Substations, Routine/Pre-commissioning/ Commissioning / Testing and trouble shooting of all type of Substation equipments, maintenance of communication equipment etc.