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Download details
Manufacture and Supply of 8m/200kg PSC poles for All Electrical Circles for a period of 2 years - PO issued - Inadequate capacity of M/s.Pinarayi Industrial Co Operative Society Ltd.- Revised PO issued - Ratification - Sanctioned -Orders issued. Manufacture and Supply of 8m/200kg PSC poles  for All  Electrical Circles for a period of 2 years - PO issued - Inadequate capacity of M/s.Pinarayi Industrial Co Operative Society Ltd.- Revised PO issued - Ratification - Sanctioned -Orders issued.

Manufacture and Supply of 8m/200kg PSC poles  for the Electrical Circles under Southern, Central, Northern and North Malabar Regions for a period of 2 years - PO issued - Inadequate capacity of M/s.Pinarayi Industrial Co Operative Society Ltd. Kannur- Revised Purchase Order issued - Ratification - Sanctioned -Orders issued.


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